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2021 Acquired by Bharat Forge Ltd.
2012 Commencement of New Heavy Forging Division
2011 IPO
2010 Placed firm order for import of forging press and manipulator for the
current capacity expansion
2009 Obtained approval from GE , PDIL and EIL
2008 Implementation of SAP-Enterprise resource planning
2006 Establishment of new open die forging plant with an installed capacity of
an installed capacity of 2,400 MTPA
2005 Enhancement of closed die forging installed capacity upto 1,200 MTPA
2002 Obtained Canadian Registration Number (CRN) for 13 provinces of
Canada enabling the company to market its products in Canada
1996 Obtained first major approval from the Technical Development
Committee of India
1992 Set-up existing factory at Vadodara with an installed capacity of 300
MTPA for close die forgings